Distribution Of Oral Rehydration Salt (Ors) ...

URL: http://opendata.kp.gov.pk/dataset/993c54da-73fb-49e8-bea2-cc738cb6bfe1/resource/ce05d93c-2a82-407d-a9b4-191e65b4201b/download/distribution-of-oral-rehydration-salt-ors-packets-by-district-in-khyber-pakhtunkhwa-2020.xlsx

From the dataset abstract

The data set compiled displays the no. of Vaccinations, statistics on Acute Disease Control, Health facilities (Hospitals, DHQs, BHQs), Disease Surveillance, and Immunization Coverage...

Source: Health Facilities( Hospitals, DHQs, BHUs) , Diseases Surveillance, Vaccination, Immunization Coverage (2015-2022)

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 28, 2022
Metadata last updated July 28, 2022
Created July 28, 2022
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 2 years ago
last modifiedover 2 years ago
package id993c54da-73fb-49e8-bea2-cc738cb6bfe1
revision idf6d899cc-deb3-4547-a3d1-4f8b092d24cf
size12 KiB
url typeupload