District Wise Number Of Medical & Paramedical ...

URL: http://opendata.kp.gov.pk/dataset/993c54da-73fb-49e8-bea2-cc738cb6bfe1/resource/52367e06-4317-4ed0-a67f-7fe59b3ca2b3/download/district-wise-number-of-medical-paramedical-staff-posted-in-khyber-pakhtunkhwa.xlsx

From the dataset abstract

The data set compiled displays the no. of Vaccinations, statistics on Acute Disease Control, Health facilities (Hospitals, DHQs, BHQs), Disease Surveillance, and Immunization Coverage...

Source: Health Facilities( Hospitals, DHQs, BHUs) , Diseases Surveillance, Vaccination, Immunization Coverage (2015-2022)

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
District text
Doctors numeric
Radialogists text
Dental Surgeons text
Nurses text
Nurse Dais text
Dais numeric
Primary Health Technician (LHVs) numeric
Other Para Medical staff numeric
Pop: per Doctor numeric

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated July 28, 2022
Metadata last updated July 28, 2022
Created July 28, 2022
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
License Creative Commons Attribution
createdover 2 years ago
datastore activeTrue
last modifiedover 2 years ago
package id993c54da-73fb-49e8-bea2-cc738cb6bfe1
revision id8346a3be-03be-46ee-92c9-fa7dc2894cc5
size14.5 KiB
url typeupload