Dictionnaire de Données

Colonne Type Intitulé Description
Rank numeric
District text
Total DDC meetings held in the District - numeric
births registered in the District - numeric
deaths registered in the District - numeric
marriages registered in the District - numeric
Number of disputes resolved through conciliatory panel at N numeric
VC/NC development schemes inspected - numeric
VC / NC meetings held in the District - numeric
District Council sessions held - numeric
bye-laws passed by DC in the reporting month numeric
bye-laws passed by VC/NC in the reporting month numeric
pending advance paras related to District Council numeric
pending advance paras related to VC/NC numeric
pending District Council litigation cases in the District numeric
pending VC/NC litigation cases in the District numeric

Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification de la donnée 1 Janvier 2020
Dernière modification de la métadonnée 1 Janvier 2020
Créé le 1 Janvier 2020
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Licence Other (Open)
createdIl y a plus de 4 ans
datastore activeTrue
last modifiedIl y a plus de 4 ans
package id1d41faec-2c62-4f50-b1ab-721860e737a3
revision id170f1fd3-4ba2-4f5f-a905-81ba60a5af89
size7,3 kibi
url typeupload