Data woordenboek

Kolom Type Label Omschrijving
Rank numeric
District text
Total Number of ADP schemes inspected by District Administr text
health facilities inspected by District Administration - numeric
Education facilities inspected by District Administration - numeric
Driving Licenses Issued - numeric
Domiciles Issued During the reporting month numeric
Arm Licenses issued - numeric
district officials who attended capacity building courses i numeric
Total land recovered(in kanals) during anti-encroachment ca numeric
disciplinary proceedings initiated against revenue official numeric
revenue generated from land recovery, land tax, local rate numeric
Revenue cases / applications disposed off in the District - numeric
revenue cases / applications pending in the District at the numeric
Total Number of Patwar Khanas inspected by District Adminis numeric
due fo completion jamabandis pending fo moe than one yea numeric
new revenue cases / applications instituted in the District numeric
(Open) Kuli Katchehris held by the District Administration numeric
(E) Katchehris held by the District Administration - text
Complaints received via Kuli Katchehris in the reporting mo numeric
Complaints resolved via Kuli Katchehris in the reporting mo numeric
illegal speed breakers removed in District - numeric
illegal / unsafe bill boards removed in District - numeric
video recordings of Jalas-e-Aam in the reporting month numeric
School based Domiciles issued by the District Administratio numeric
Home based Domiciles issued by the District Administration numeric
pending inquires in the District numeric

Additionele informatie

Veld Waarde
Data laatst gewijzigd 29 december, 2019
Metadata laatst gewijzigd 29 december, 2019
Gecreëerd 29 december, 2019
Formaat application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Licentie Other (Open)
createdmeer dan 4 jaren geleden
datastore activeTrue
last modifiedmeer dan 4 jaren geleden
package idadd0bc72-f1ed-452a-b2de-3944a55e7be7
revision idcf4c92af-9719-42d9-94eb-f06067a8172c
size8,9 KiB
url typeupload