Tehsil Wise Summery of Neighbourhood Councils ...

URL: http://opendata.kp.gov.pk/dataset/3b69c66e-0731-423b-add7-5cb4dc7922e9/resource/392bc6cd-174d-4af2-9a5a-15f1d6a1518c/download/tehsil-wise-summery-of-neighbourhood-councils-and-village-councils.xlsx

Tehsil Wise Summery of Neighbourhood Councils and Village Councils district Bajaur

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivning
Tehsil text
Population numeric
Block numeric
Old Uonin Council numeric
Village Councile numeric
Neighbour Hood Council numeric

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Fält Värde
Data last updated Januari 23, 2020
Metadata last updated Januari 23, 2020
Skapad Januari 23, 2020
Format application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
Licens Creative Commons Attribution
createdmer än 4 år sedan
datastore activeTrue
last modifiedmer än 4 år sedan
package id3b69c66e-0731-423b-add7-5cb4dc7922e9
revision idfcdf71e1-ce75-403f-9c3a-3b45d4e44de8
size8,1 KiB
url typeupload