Number of private schools in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021
Number of private schools in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021 -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Home & Tribal Affairs Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Number of rest houses in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021
Number of rest houses in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021 -
Number of TMAs in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021
Number of TMAs in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021 -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Housing Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Industry, Commerce & Technical Education Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Number of traffic warden in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021
Number of traffic warden in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021 -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Information & Public Relation Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Number of veterinary hospitals in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021
Number of veterinary hospitals in District Lakki Marwat 2020-2021 -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Irrigation Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Labour Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Law, Parlimentary Affairs & Human Rights Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Local Government, Elections & Rural Development Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Mines & Minerals Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Planning & Development Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Police Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Population Welfare Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Public Health Engineering Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Relief, Rehabalitation & Settlement Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g... -
Total complaints received on Pakistan Citizen Portal at Revenue Department KP year 2019
The file contains the following information Complaint Category Total Complaints Relief granted Partial Relief granted Relief cannot be granted Unknown Status of Complaint (e.g...