Details pertaining to computerization of land records in District Haripur during last five years
Details pertaining to computerization of land records in District Haripur during last five years -
Details pertaining to Domiciles of District Haripur during last five years
Details pertaining to Domiciles of District Haripur during last five years -
Number of Kuli Kacheries in district Haripur Yearly
Number of Kuli Kacheries in district Haripur Yearly -
List of important contact list of District Administration Haripur
List of important contact list of District Administration Haripur -
Civil Defence Department District Haripur
Civil Defence Department District Haripur -
List of stamp vendors working in judicial courts of district haripur yearly
List of stamp vendors working in judicial courts of district haripur yearly -
List of VSWAs/Organizations in District Haripur yearly
List of VSWAs/Organizations in District Haripur yearly -
Tehsil Wise Summery of Neighbourhood Councils and Village Councils district Bajaur
Tehsil Wise Summery of Neighbourhood Councils and Village Councils district Bajaur -
Tehsil Wise Names of Neighbourhood Councils and Village Councils district Bajaur
Tehsil Wise Names of Neighbourhood Councils and Village Councils district Bajaur -
List of government vehicles in district Bajaur
List of government vehicles in district Bajaur -
Recovery in R/O Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control Dept KP Year 2014-2019.
5 Years Recovery in R/O Excise, Taxation & Narcotics Control Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. -
List of important contact list of District Administration Bajaur
List of important contact list of District Administration Bajaur -
List of government buildings in the District Bajaur
List of government buildings in the District Bajaur -
Profiling Data of Conservator Wildlife Peshawar
Profiling Data of Conservator Wildlife Peshawar over the years 2015-2019 . The file contains the following information Numbers of Wildlife Sanctuaries maintained in Khyber... -
Profiling of Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar
The file Contains the following information Carbon Stock Assessment of Forests of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Training to farmers in art of Apiculture/Medicnal Plants Forestry graduates... -
Plants / Seedlings Distributed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Plants / Seedlings Distributed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Monsoon / Spring over the years 2014 to 2019 -
Timber Produced (in Cft) by Forest Department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Timber Produced by Forest Department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa over the years 2014 to 2019 . -
Enrollment Ratios in Educational Institutions Middle, High, Secondary Level year 2018-19
Enrollment Ratios in Govt., Non-Govt. and Deeni Madaris Institutions (Middle,High and H/Sec) Schools (excluding NMDs) (Based on Population Age Group 10-14) -
Enrollment Ratios in Educational Institutions Primary Level year 2018-19
Enrollment Ratios in Govt., Non-Govt. and Deeni Madaris Institutions (Primary Level) (excluding NMDs) (Based on Population Age Group 5-9) -
Teaching Staff in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa year 2018-19
Total number of teaching staff in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa year 2018-19