Total Population of District Orakzai
Total Population of District Orakzai -
Total Health Facility / Centers in District Orakzai
Total Number of Health Facility centers in District Orakzai. The file contains the information DHQ Hospital ( Cat-C) Type-D Hospital Civil Hospital RHCs BHUs CHCs CDs -
District Wise Revenue of Fisheries Department, KPK Yearly
District Wise Revenue of Fisheries Department, KPK Yearly -
District Wise Number of Fishing Licenses Issued in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Yearly
District Wise Number of Fishing Licenses Issued in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Yearly -
District wise soil conservation data in KPK Yearly
District wise soil conservation data in KPK Yearly -
District Wise Fish (TROUT) Production in KPK Yearly
District Wise Fish (TROUT) Production in KPK Yearly -
Progress report of on farm water management department Yearly dataset
Progress reprot of on farm water management department Yearly dataset The dataset measures the following KPI's Improvement /Lining of WCs in KP Small Farmers Land Reclamation... -
District Wise Fish (NON-TROUT) Production in KPK Yearly
District Wise Fish (NON-TROUT) Production in KPK Yearly -
Livestock Species/Poultry Birds, Veterinary Hospitals in District Orakzai year 2015 to 2019
Total No of Livestock Species/Poultry Birds, Veterinary Hospitals in District Orakzai for the year 2015 to 2019 -
District wise numbers of govt. & private tubewells in khyber pakhtunkhwa yearly
District wise numbers of govt. & private tubewells in khyber pakhtunkhwa yearly -
District wise numbers of govt. & private tractors in khyber pakhtunkhwa Yearly
District wise numbers of govt. & private tractors in khyber pakhtunkhwa Yearly -
Total number of Tractor population in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Yearly
Total number of Tractor population in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Yearly -
Province wise numbers of tubewells & lift pumps of kpk Yearly
Province wise numbers of tubewells & lift pumps of kpk Yearly -
District Profiling of Nowshera Yearly
The file contains the following information : Population Domicile Issued Total Area of District Issuance Arm Licence Demarcation of Land Issuance of Fard Mutation (Intiqalat)... -
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Sugarcane crop yearly
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Sugarcane crop yearly -
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Rice crop yearly
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Rice crop yearly -
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Rape & Mustered crop yearly
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Rape & Mustered crop yearly -
District wise numbers of agriculture machinery in kyber pakhtunkhwah Yearly
District wise numbers of agriculture machinery in kyber pakhtunkhwah Yearly -
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Maize crop yearly
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Maize crop yearly -
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Jowar crop yearly
Province wise area,production and yield per acres of Jowar crop yearly