Sugar Cane crushed by Sugar Mills in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The file contains the following information

  1. Name of Sugar Mills
  2. Sugarcane crushed to Date (M.Tons)
  3. Sugar Beet Slicing to Date (M.Tons)
  4. Cane sugar produced to Date M.Tons
  5. Beet sugar produced to Date M.Tons
  6. Total Sugar Stock 2016-17 M.Tons
  7. Old Stock
  8. Rec: % in Sugar cane
  9. Total Sugar produced to Date (Old Stock) (M.Tons)
  10. Issue to Date M.Tons
  11. Balance to Date M.Tons

Datos y Recursos

Información Adicional

Campo Valor
Última actualización 23 Enero, 2020, 15:31 (PKT)
Creado 23 Enero, 2020, 15:28 (PKT)