Performance Data of District Administration for the year 2017

List of all the KPI’s for the Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa are:

  1. Total Number of ADP schemes inspected by District Administration
  2. Total number of health facilities inspected by District Administration
  3. Total number of Education facilities inspected by District Administration
  4. Total number of Driving Licenses Issued
  5. Total number of Domiciles Issued
  6. Total number of Arm Licenses issued
  7. Total number of district officials who attended capacity building courses
  8. Total land recovered(in kanals) during anti-encroachment campaigns
  9. Total number of disciplinary proceedings initiated against revenue officials
  10. Total amount of revenue generated from land recovery, land tax, local rate, fees, fines, forfeitures, property tax, etc.
  11. Total number of Revenue cases / applications disposed off in the District
  12. Total number of Revenue cases / applications disposed off in the District
  13. Total Number of Patwar Khanas inspected by District Administration
  14. Total number of due for completion jamabandis pending for more than one year

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Dernière modification Janvier 2, 2020, 11:20 (PKT)
Créé le Janvier 2, 2020, 11:16 (PKT)