Performance Data of Drug Inspector - 2017


  1. Number of medical stores inspected in the reporting month
  2. Number of manufacturing units inspected in the reporting month
  3. Number of seizures made (expired, un-regd, price tempered, misbranded, adulterated drugs, illegal advt) in the reporting month
  4. Number of samples drawn for test / analysis during the reporting month
  5. Number of samples declared spurious / un-regd / substandard in the reporting month
  6. Number of cases sent to PQCB in the reporting month
  7. Number of cases instituted in drug court in the reporting month

Data og ressurser


Felt Verdi
Sist oppdatert 1. januar 2020, 14:57 (PKT)
Opprettet 1. januar 2020, 14:44 (PKT)