District Administration Buner

Valleys of Buner are still echoing with gallant armies of the past, most of them faced military disaster at the hands of militants of these mountains areas. Olaf Caroes has pointed out that the armies of Alexander the Great has passed through Karakar, Daggar, Ambela and Malndrai passes in 327-326 BC. The same route was later on followed by Mughal armies in 1586 AD. On 29th July 1969 In 1991 Buner was upgraded to the District level. The whole area is homogenous; however Hindus and Sikhs minorities are also living in the district since partition in a scattered shape. Local language is Pashto. The Ajars and Gujars from Behrain (Swat) seasonally visit the area and speak Gojri language. The region is encircled by hill on all sides and is separated from Swat by a range of mountains reaching to an elevation of 9,550 ft Elevation varies from 1200 ft in Totalai (Khudukhel) in the South to 9,55, ft of Dosara peak in the North. The hilly tracks are enriched with mineral, which has now become the vivid symbol of business in the area. The area of Buner District is mostly surrounded by big hills which are covered with pine trees.