ADP Schemes of District South Waziristan

The file contains the following information

  1. Name of ADP Scheme
  2. Total Estimate
  3. Expenditure durning Previous Years
  4. Allocation during CFY (Original)
  5. Release during Current Financial Year
  6. Expenditure during Current Financial Year
  7. % age Utilization against releases
  8. Progress Expenditure
  9. Target achieved upto LFY 2017-18
  10. Target for CFY 2018-19
  11. Achieved Current Financial Year 2017-18
  12. Total achieved
  13. year of Completion

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Felt Verdi
Sist oppdatert 21. januar 2020, 12:16 (PKT)
Opprettet 21. januar 2020, 12:16 (PKT)